.. _my-kbagent:


Agents navigate around environment in VirtualHome and interact with objects in them. Each agent is represented as an object in the environment, but instead of adding it via :meth:`unity_simulator.UnityCommunication.expand_scene`, we use :meth:`unity_simulator.UnityCommunication.add_character`. You can add multiple agents in the same environment and these caqn do actions concurrently in the environment.

Below is a list of the 7 agents included in VirtualHome.

.. list-table::
	:widths: 20 100
	:header-rows: 1

	* - Environment Id
	  - Apartment View
	* - Female_1
	  - .. image:: ../../images/doc/agents/Female_1.png
               :width: 20%
	* - Male_1
	  - .. image:: ../../images/doc/agents/Male_1.png
               :width: 20%
	* - Male_2
	  - .. image:: ../../images/doc/agents/Male_2.png
  	       :width: 20%
	* - Female_2
	  - .. image:: ../../images/doc/agents/Female_2.png
  	        :width: 20%
	* - Male_6
	  - .. image:: ../../images/doc/agents/Male_6.png
  	       :width: 20%
	* - Female_4
	  - .. image:: ../../images/doc/agents/Female_4.png
  	       :width: 20%
	* - Male_1_invisible
	  - Adds an invisible agent